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About The Artist

Zoe has practiced as a professional artist and designer since graduating in 2000. Working for LA Studio’s London, Danny Lane London, Cydonia Glass Studio Sydney Australia and the National Glass Centre Sunderland. In 2005 Zoe graduated with Masters in Glass Design and went on to start her own business in 2006 as a resident artist at the National Glass Centre, before moving to 36 Lime Street Newcastle in 2012.


Zoe’s produces sculptural art and interior installations to commission, Her work has been displayed in galleries exhibitions both Nationally and Internationally. Zoe’s work has been featured in glass and Craft publications in the UK and her jewellery art has been featured in many high street publications including Vogue.


Alongside her practice Zoe has been teaching glass techniques in workshops and funded specialised projects, for the public and private adult and school groups since 2007, Zoe specialises in a technique called flame working using flame torches to melt and sculpt glass, Zoe is the flame working Tutor for public lessons for the National Glass Centre. Zoe is also a visiting lecturer in Flame Working for the University Of Sunderland.


Using Glass as a predominant medium Zoe is interested in the use of symmetrical form, reflection, optical illusion and magnification, exploring visual language questioning what is really real, the transparency of the glass posing the question what are we able to reveal and what should remain unknown.





2005                Masters in Glass Design Sunderland University

2000                BA Hon’s Glass Design University of Staffordshire

1998                Diploma Foundation Art and Design Nene College Northampton


Glass Skills


Flame Working, Kiln Casting, Fusing, clay modeling , Mould Making, Two part Blowing Moulds, Glass Blowing & Assisting,


Teaching & Lecturing


2016                Sacred Heart School introduction to flame working

2016                Private Tuition Flame Working Feb 16 Rachel Gretton, Helen Pailing & Claire Todd

2016                National Glass Centre public glass flame working tutor 2013-2016

2016                36 Lime Street Studios, Studio glass workshop tutor with artist Joanne

                        Mitchell 2013-2016

2015                University Of Sunderland One to One flame working techniques Sessions with Students.

2015                University Of Sunderland Visiting Lecturer in Flame Working Ma Students

2015                Glass Beats Funded By Youth Music Lead Artist & Tutor making Glass Instruments with Schools.

2015                Barbara Priestman Summer School Lead Artist & Tutor working with children with Autism &

                        Asbergers to design and make a large installation, to be displayed perminantly.

2015                Forward Assist Lead Artist & Tutor for flame working skills and making glass

                        poppies. Forward Assist Veteran Support Charity who work to make avialable

                        ‘life changing’ projects and opportunities to former servicemen and women who are experiencing

                        difficulties in adjusting to new life as a civilian.

2015                Grundfos team building Lead Artist & Tutor on one day workshop

                        designing and making a sand blasted triptic wall panel.

2014                Gillian Dickinson Project, National Glass Centre/NGCA & Gillian Dickinson

                        Trust Education Project, Sunderland, UK Lead artist with two schools.

2014                Tuffnell Glass Bend Me Shape Me & All that glitters is glass, master class flame working tutor

2014                University Of Sunderland Visiting Lecturer in Flame Working Ma Students

2013                University Of Sunderland Visiting Lecturer in Flame Working Ma Students

2013                University Of Sunderland Summer School Visiting lecturer teaching

                        international students flame working skills.

2006-2016       National Glass Centre/Centre Of Life Long Learning, public Glass workshop Tutor in flame working, kiln forming

                        glass techniques, recycled glass, sand blasting and also teaching children’s classes in mosaics and glass painting.

 2007               National Glass Centre Making Good Use Of The things that we find Recycling craft business studies project working with a

                        local school delivering a 12 weeks of glass skills sessions  each week making an item they could sell to raise money at a Christmas

                        craft market, coasters bowls jewellery were just some of the items made.

2006                National Glass Centre/Wearside Glass Sculptures Light My Fire 3 day Master Class Event Organiser and TA to International artist,

                        Ben Evers Flame working Class, Wearside Glass Sculptures,


Professional Experience


2015-16           Director, Board Member and website commitee member 36 Lime Street

2015-16           Event organiser 36 lime street Open Studio’s events throughout the year.

2015                University Of Sunderland Event organiser & technical assistant on a series of demo’s performed

                        by international flame working artists from British Columbia Canada Ben Evers, Steffan Hunt, and Richie Mcbeath of Ourglass

2012                Glass gallery assistant Art In Action

2010- 11          Charity Trustee/ Director & Board Member, Creative Cohesion Glass Education Network

2007-12           Merge Contemporary Craft Fairs Founder and event organiser

2004–09          Website Coordinator , Cohesion Glassmakers’ Network

2008                Heritage Open Day workshops with Children Sunderland Council

2008                Co Curator and event organiser Blast!!! Contemporary Glass Exhibition London Glass Blowing.

2005                Studio team glass blower and assistant the National Glass Centre

2003                Studios Studio team co-ordinator & designer Cydonia Glass Studio Sydney Australia

2001                Glass Blowing assistant L.A. Studio Glass London

2000                Studio Team Assistant Danny Lane Glass London For 20th Century Design Show New York.

1995-1997       Part Time Sales Assistant Studio Gallery Cambridgeshire


Selected Exhibitions

2015               British Glass Biennale Exhibiting and interactive piece entitled the experiments

                       Wish You were Here Glass Post Card Exhibition Contemporary Glass Society exhibition Ruskin

                       Glass Centre running alongside the British Glass Biennale.

2012               Creativitiworks professional development exhibition National Glass Centre

                       Medallion Exhibition Contemporary Glass Society International festival of glass. Sponsored by Mark Holford

                       Sea The See exhibition Washington art centre

                       The Craft & design Selected Award Winners Exhibition  Ferrers Gallery Leicestershire

2010-12          Demonstrating Artist and exhibitor Art In Action Oxfordshire

2010               The Summer Collection at the SDC Gallery, Shorditch, London

2009-10          Blast! Contemporary Glass Exhibition Zest Gallery, London (CGN)

2009               Artomatic Washington D.C. USA

                       Affordable Art Fair London

                       Unpolished CGS online exhibition for glass jewellery

                       Glass Wear 09 Zest Gallery London

2008               Blast ! Contemporary Glass Exhibition London Glass Blowing (CGN)

                       Affordable Arts London

                       333 Washington DC  USA

                       British Craft Trade Fair

                       Great Northern Contemporary Craft Fair Manchester

                       Cohesion Showcase Pyramid Gallery York.

                       Newcastle Gateshead Art Fair

2007               Cohesion Glass exhibition Pyramid Gallery York

                       Newcastle Gateshead Art Fair

2005               Vetrospective The Biscuit Factory Newcastle

2000               Candid Arts Islington London, Show of contemporary glass fountain.

                       New Designers, The Business Design Centre Islington London.



2016                Demonstrating Artist Festival of Architecture Reflections, glass, water, art & science The Haining Selkirk

2010-12           Art In Action Demonstrating artist in flameworking

2012                Torcher Tailor Performance artist flame working, music and the construction of a glass wedding

                        dress. As part of the international festival of glass.



2011                Craft & Design Magazine Select Awards

2011                Vogue, Harpers Baazarr, Company High Street Edit




2016                Dekota Hotels bespoke cocktail strirers

2010                North East Equality Awards

2010                Les Azuriales Award

2009                Vivian Westwood boutique table lamp

2007                Shell Live Wire Awards One Best Way



Given Lectures/presentations


2015                Identity, Inspiration, and Transformation presentation and workshop at 36 lime street for visitors from the University in Taiwan

                        organised By Marc Chein Northumberland University.

2013                University Of Sunderland my practice as a glass Artist.

2009                Art Conceptions in Current Flame working sponsored by IIRG institute for international research in glass, at Sunderland University,

                        on contemporary flame working and my work.

2009                National Glass Centre Artist Talks my practice as a glass Artist.

2008                Shipley Art Gallery, artist talk on flame working.

2004                University of Staffordshire, Artist talk on future careers as a glass designer/maker.


Grants, Funding , Awards, & Collections


2015               Worshipful Company Of Glass Sellers Master’s Commission Competition commended maker.

2015               Creative Glass Guild Award for a flame worked Object shortlisted artist.

2012               Canon Bill & Jeannette Hall Fund awarded for a collaboration between Joanne Mitchell (waterjet)

                       Joschi Herczeg (Photographer Swiss) and Zoë Garner (Flame Worker) to create glass explosions.

2011               Manchester Metropolitan University Collection chain gang stuck in the middle (flameworked)

2011               Craft & Design Select Award Silver for Glass.

2010               Canon Bill fund promotional material

2009               Creativitiworks fund silver jewellery Birmingham University

2008               Winner of the Pearsons Glass prize for best use of flame Working

2008               Cultural Business Venture Arts Council

2008               AA2A 100 hours access to develop my own work at the University of Sunderland.

2007               Product Development Grant

2007               CSDI funding for skills development through Cohesion Glass Network and Northern Cultural Skills Partnership

2007               Global Grant Gateshead Council.

2006               Arts Council Grants For Individuals Canadian Glass Conference.

2009               Creativitiworks Fund learning new skills Jewellery Making with Carlton Campbell Birmingham School of Jewellery

© 2016 by Zoe Garner / Proudly created with

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